Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mark, Roy, Laura, John, Steven, and Antinelli joined Capt. Bob and Paul for their annual fishing trip. The bassing was great in the morning, resulting in a quick limit. Then it was down to the fluke and sea bass grounds. 5 keeper fluke and a bushel of sea bass made for a nice day. The pink dress was worn by 3 family members....

The Long Beach Boys sailed for an afternoon trip. The guys had to work fast, and were able to land a limit of bass, with the Porgie Princess catching the largest bass. See you next year guys.

Rob Sudaley, along with Jing and John, had a fine morning fishing aboard the Elizabeth. A quick limit of bass, was followed by fluke and sea bass fishing. Thanks again Rob!

Rich, Joanne, John, and Richie Manno enjoyed an AM trip. The family asked to catch bass and were not disappointed.

Richard Weinbrecht, Chuck Sama, Tony Verdirame, Luca Leeser, Emily Smar, and Georgia Brox had a great morning trip catching striped bass and blue fish. Emily caught the largest bass of 35 lbs. and then managed to win the pool with a nice fluke to end the day.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Al Messina, along with John, Mike, and Ryan joined Capt. Bob and Paul for a full day. The guys began bassing, and after a quick limit, went bottom fishing. Four keeper fluke and a dozen seabass later they called it a day. Thanks so much. Hope to see you again.

H. Singh, along with family and friends, did an afternoon trip. The fish were not cooperative, but the group persevered and went home with a nice catch.

Mary, John, and Mark Sarlitto did an AM trip. The group used parachutes and tubes to catch a nice size limit of bass, with Mary landing the biggest (against her will).

Ronnie, Jimmy, Billy, Frank, and Kyle did an afternoon trip with a quick limit catch of bass.

Jimmy and the boys enjoyed a nice day fluking, bassing, and sleeping.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

The Joe Gigaletta group enjoyed a fantastic day of fishing. A limit of big bass in an hour and a half started the day off nicely. Fluking turned out to be pretty good, with 11 keepers and many shorts. Some anglers were better than others..... let's leave it at that boys. Thanks for a lot of laughs guys.

George Dubato, Al, and Pat enjoyed and afternoon of eeling. The bass were cooperative, the weather was beautiful, and the fishing crew was great. 3 keeper fluke complemented a limit of bass, up to 44 lbs (Hats off to Pat!).

Tom, Brian, and Davin did a morning trip, where the crew had some slack water and Brian's skills. Faced with the adversity, they managed a limit of bass, up to 30 lbs.

Dave, Doug, Hali, Bianca and Jenna did an AM trip. With slack tide, the fluke did some fluke fishing, with a keeper. Once the tide started running, the bass started biting. A limit was had, and it was back to the dock.

Ken Dempsey, Ron, Tim, Tim, Joe, and John enjoyed a full day. A limit of bass and a dozen keeper fluke, along with about 200 shorts made for a great day.

Dereck, along with family and friends, did an AM trip. Within a half hour, a limit of bass was had. Then, 2 keeper fluke were caught.

The Broad Channel Crew, George, John, Joe, Natalie, and Gary had a quick limit of bass. Then it was off to the fluke grounds, where the team managed to tally 11 keepers at day's end, along with a few quality sea bass. Thanks everyone!

Mike Arnold, along with Nancy, Matt and Jeff, joined Capt. Bob and Paul for an afternoon trip. A 42lb. bass was caught after a slow start and a hot finish.

Lou Vidasolo, Arne & Jan Dolland, and Henry, who was with us in spirit, did a morning trip. The guys limited out on bass and did some fluking.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rob Sudaley and Manon celebrated Rob's birthday aboard the Elizabeth. After limiting on bass, we bottom fished, resulting in 2 keeper fluke and 9 nice seabass. Hope to see you soon.

Robert Kennedy and the boys fished an AM trip, resulting in a limit catch of bass, up to 34lbs.

Dr. Pollack, Veronica, Patti, and Chris enjoyed a beautiful half day bassing and fluking.

Louis, Richard, Angelo, Jr., Angelo, and Roger did two half days. The first day, trolling for bass, produced a limit catch, with 2 fish over 30lbs. The next day, the guys switched it up to fluke and seabass. Six keeper fluke and ten seabass. Not too bad, for 3 guys.

Tony Patrone and the Dream Team trolled single tubes for this nice catch of bass up to 40lbs.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Capt. Paul's daughter, Katie,was excited to see the shark caught by H and family and friends. She is doing her best to imitate his toothy grin.

H. Singh, along with three sons, and some friends had two trips in one week, both with excellent results. The first trip was a half day bass trip which had the guys bringing home their limit. The second trip, H the Shark Hunter, decided to bring his boys shark fishing for the first time. Turns out, it was a good move. The lines weren't in the water for three minutes when a mako picked up the bait. After a short fight, he was lost as quickly as he was hooked. Luckily, after resetting the baits, he was back and this time he was landed for the ride home with the guys. Thanks for a great day and your continued patronage.

New customers Ilisa Chaconas, John, Joe and Dana decided to do a late morning trip aboard the Elizabeth. The day started off with one quick bass and then a lull in the action. Capt. Bob then found the fish and limit was quickly had. The word was given and we headed back to the dock.

Jeffrey, Bone, Chris, Steven, Tyrone, and Joe the Rod did a full day. The day started trolling parachutes for bass. After we caught the limit, we switched modes to fluking. What started out slow, turned out to be an excellent day of fluke fishing with 16 keepers by day's end.

Monday, July 04, 2011

New customers, Bob Lopez, Joanne Moore, Natalie Moore-Lopez, and Spencer Langeun started the day trolling parachutes for striped bass. After catching four, the group wanted to try something else. They went fluking in the inlet and managed 2 keepers, along with plenty of shorts. Thanks! Hope to see you again.

Capt. Paul, John McGarrity, and Scott Norris did an afternoon tuna trip. The boys made it about 8 miles off the beach when the lines went in. There was a fish on right away. After a lot of sweat from John and a little bit of time, the tuna was landed, a 50 pound bluefin.

Terry Curtin, Terry Curtin, Jr., Kevin Stichweh, and James enjoyed a morning bass fishing and fluking. The guys trolled the limit of bass in an hour and then cruised down the beach to catch 4 keeper fluke.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Bruno Family enjoyed a morning aboard the Elizabeth. Katie and Emily saw tons of fluke action. Katie caught a keeper fluke, a skate, and a sea robin and couldn't have been happier. Emily had many throw backs and enjoyed baiting the hooks.

Red Pepper Theiss, Sue, Nick, Jeff, Bill, and Mike enjoyed a half day striped bass, fluke, and sea bass fishing. Nick had a birthday bass of 30 lbs. Jeff had the biggest sea bass at 6 lbs. Thanks for a nice day.

Phil, Kevin, Walrus, Big, Romo, and Rene did a full day. The day started diamond jigging, with bass weighing 35 and 38 lbs. Romo caught the biggest sea bass of the day on a diamond jig. The Walrus caught some kelp. The guys switched modes to sea bass and fluke. By days end, a bushel of sea bass was aboard and a few fluke. Thanks again. Looking forward to September. The end-of-day wraps were awesome, Jay.